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FIRST Tech Challenge is a robotics program in which students learn skills such as technology, science, teamwork, and leadership.  Students build a robot to solve tasks on a field.  At competition, they are randomly paired with another team that they must work together with, which must be taken into consideration when designing the robot.

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FIRST Lego League is a robotics program designed to teach children skills in science, technology, and teamwork.  Students build a robot out of Lego designed to solve tasks that are assigned to them that year.  They also must complete a research project based off of the year's theme.

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The Mars Robotics Association is a nonprofit organization based in Mars, PA. Our goal is to help children of all ages explore the world of robotics. Our association is part of an organization called FIRST(For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology).


We participate in two of FIRST’s four challenges. The first program we participate in is called FLL (FIRST Lego League), for students in 4th through 8th grade.  In this program, students will build a robot out of Lego to solve challenges across a field.  The other program is called FTC (FIRST Tech Challenge), for students in 7th-12th grade.  Students build a working robot that they control to solve challenges.  The programs give children skills in knowledge in STEAM to help them succeed in the world today.



Mars Robotics Open House

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Sunday October 11 3-4:00

Interested in our association?  It's more than just building robots.  Join us for an open house to learn more about FIRST® and MARS Robotics


"This team impressed the judges with their colorfully organized engineering notebook and their extensive community outreach.  There was little to question on their robot design progression.  "

Southwestern PA qualifier 1/20




PO Box 347

Mars, PA 16046

Thanks for getting in touch with us!

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