Go For Launch! to Mars (PA) - Student Program
June 24-26, 2024
Location: TBA
Times: 9:00 AM - 4:30 PM (Tentative)
Cost: $200 per student (Scholarships Available)
*Student must be able to attend all 3 days
The Go For Launch! To Mars (PA) student is a 3 day, hands-on experience that offers high school students the opportunity to work in teams to compete to have their science experiment flown to the International Space Station.

Immersive Experience
High school students are immersed in the wonder of human spaceflight research.

During 3-days in Mars...
Teamwork & Leadership
Work with an in-person team of experienced astronauts, aerospace scientists, and engineers. Lead exercises and discussions within their team and between teams to develop their experiment concept.
Throughout the Go For Launch! program, students will develop, practice, and utilize communication skills.
Registration Information
Open to students in 8th to 12 grade on May 1, 2024
*Graduating seniors are still eligible
Register as a group or individual
Groups of 5 will be formed from registration
Cost- $200 per student
Need based scholarships available (Contact us for details)
Discount rates available for parent/teacher volunteers
*Volunteers must apply and be accepted

Students and primary adults will be notified of admission via email starting May 1st.
Once accepted, students will have 3 days to accept admission and 1 week to pay the fee.
Enrollment is limited to 65 students to maximize hands-on experience.
Participation will be spread across school organizations as best we can to maximize benefit to the area.
Timestamp of registration will also be used in selection.